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1.This estimate shall be subject to confirmation in writing before acceptance of order.



2.In the event of "Force Majeure" such as war, riots, Act of God, outbreak of a state of emergency, strikes including those upon the seller or its main supplier), enactment, alteration or abolishment of laws and regulations, etc. or other cases beyond the con-troll of the seller, this estimate shall be subject to modification or withdrawal in all or in part as may be necessitated, for which the seller will not be liable.


3.Any increase in cost beyond the control of the seller, such as increase in labour wages, material costs, insurance, freight costs, import duties, taxes, etc., shall be for the account of the buyer.


4.In case the goods should arrive in more than one shipment the buyer shall agree to take delivery and pay for each shipment as it arrives.


5.After the goods have arrived at the specified place of delivery the buyer shall be responsible for the same up to its full 

contracted value, in regard to all risks, such as fire, theft, other damage, etc.




6.In case the buyer fails to take delivery of the goods or to make payments in accordance with the stipulations agree upon, the seller shall have the right to dispose of the goods with or without notice.  All expenses or losses incurred by the seller in this connection shall be paid by the buyer.



7.The buyer shall give the seller written notice of any claim containing full particulars of the claim without delay after the arrival of the goods at the specified place of the delivery, or within one (1) year in the event of a latent defect.  Unless such notice is sent by the buyer within the above specified period, the buyer shall be deemed to have waived all claims.  In the eventual repairs or else to substitute for the goods in dispute.  The seller shall not be liable for incidental, indirect or consequential damage for any cause.




8.In the event that the goods estimated fall under the existing restrictions or will have fallen under after-the-fact restrictions on 

strategic materials by Foreign Exchange & Foreign Trade Control Law, conditions specifications, etc. in this estimate shall be changed in all or in part as may be necessitated.  If necessary permission or approvals should not be obtained, this estimate shall be with/drawn and the seller shall not be liable for any results arising there from.




9.The trade terms in this estimate shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with International Commercial Terms, 2020(INCOTERS).  This estimate shall be governed as to all matters, including validity, construction and performance by the under the laws of Japan.  The seller and the buyer hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hakodate District Court and its higher courts for the settlement of disputes arising under or in connection with this estimate.


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